Who is a WSHO?

Who is a WSHO?


A Workplace Safety & Health Officer (WSHO) is a safety professional who has a fundamental knowledge of, and experience in, occupational safety, health and environment. The primary role of a WSHO is the protection of lives and the prevention of harm to property and the environment.

In Singapore, WSHOs are regulated by the Workplace Safety and Health (Workplace Safety and Health Officers) Regulations. Under the Regulations, WSHOs have to be appointed in shipyards, factories used for processing petroleum or petroleum products, factories in which building operations or works of engineering construction of a contract sum of S$10 million or more are carried out and any other factories in which 100 or more persons are employed. In order to be a WSHO, one must initially have successfully completed a training course to equip himself/herself to be a WSHO and have at least 2 years practical experience relevant to the work to be performed by a WSHO in Singapore.

Therefore, to practise as a WSH Officer in Singapore, one has to be registered with Ministry of Manpower. For more information, please refer to www.mom.gov.sg.

Generally, WSH professionals can be segregated into the following 4 categories. However, only WSH Officers are regulated and required to be registered with the Ministry of Manpower in order to practise as such.



For more information or assistance, contact us at admin@siso.org.sg.